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Survey now open - win a £150 voucher!

From now until 5 June 2024, all Open University students are invited to participate in a student-facing EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) survey to help us better understand the impact of our approach to fairness and inclusion at the OU.

Your responses will help to:

  • Identify and understand barriers to fairness and equality at the University.
  • Create an inclusive environment where all our students can achieve their goals.
  • Understand student experience of bullying and harassment at the OU.
  • Improve the experience and outcomes of our students from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds.
  • Improve the experience and outcomes of our disabled students, particularly those with mental health conditions.
  • The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete, and you can opt into a prize draw to win one of five £150 Tango/Amazon vouchers if you complete the survey.

    Some students have been invited to participate directly and have received a unique link for the survey by email. So do check your email or see below for further information on how to participate in the survey.

    Find out more and take part