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How does your voice make an impact at the OU?

The Open University is commited to working with students and responding to feedback to improve the student experience. Below you can read about new opportunities, different ways students have influenced change and the impact of students getting more involved.

News and latest updates

Outcome of the Undergraduate Business Periodic Quality Review

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Periodic Quality Review for Undergraduate Business creates good outcomes for students.

Student Voice Newsletter 2023/24 #6

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Join the Communications about the Student Complaints and Appeals Policy Student Consultation Online Forum and find out about the response from this year's Student Consultation Meetings.

Equality survey now open - win a £150 voucher

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From now until 5 June 2024, all Open University students are asked to participate in an EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) survey to help us better understand the impact of our approach to fairness and inclusion at the OU.

Students' Make Positive Changes to the Assessment Framework

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Find out how the Open University has responded to student feedback on the Assessment Framework.

Student Voice Newsletter 2023/24 #5

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Join the Exam and EMA Marking Policy Student Consultation Online Forum and find out about other upcoming opportunites.

Student Voice Festival 2024 is nearly here!

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Find out more and register now for the Student Voice Festival 2024.

Student Voice Newsletter 2023/24 #4

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Join the Disabled Student Advisory Group and find out about other upcoming opportunites.

Student Voice Newsletter 2023/24 #3

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Get ready for Student Voice Festival and find out about other upcoming opportunites.

Outcomes of the Faculty of Business and Law Masters review

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Periodic Quality Review for Business and Law Masters creates good outcomes for students.

Have Your Say Day 2023 @ the OU

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Come and 'Have Your Say' at our online event.

Student Voice Newsletter 2023/24 #2

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Get ready for Have Your Say Day and find out about other upcoming opportunites.

Outcomes of the Computing and Communications review

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Periodic Quality Review for Computing and Communications creates good outcomes for students.

Students have transformative internship experiences

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Students life changing experience during a virtual internship.

Student Voice Newsletter 2023/24 #1

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Welcome to a new year of Student Voice and find out about upcoming opportunites.

OU Students Association make an impact in Parliament

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Student Association Vice President voices the OU student journey at the House of Lords.

OU Students Association Tutor Awards 2023

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Tutor awards receive unprecedented participation from students.

Students shape improvements to StudentHome

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Find out how students improved design and layout of StudentHome.

Student feedback from OU International Access, Participation and Success Conference

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Student voice makes impact at this year's conference.

Student Voice Week 2022 feedback

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Student feedback used for positive changes at the OU.

OU Students Association Individual Representation Service

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Students Association creates support service for students.

OU Students Association Representative roles available

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Would you like to become a Student Representative?

Positive outcomes for students

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Periodic Quality Review for Psychology and Counselling creates good outcomes for students.

Post Graduate Research Spring Conference

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Graduate School responds to students feedback with Spring Conference.

National Student Survey 2023

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How to get involved and give your opinions as a student.

Outcomes of the Engineering and Innovation review

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Find out more about the outcomes created by students.

Engagement opportunties at the OU Students Association

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Find out how to get involved with the Students Assoication.

OU Students Association Environmental and Sustainability Working Group

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Find out more on how to get involved.

Celebrating ten years of the Library Student Panel

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Find out more about the fantastic work of the Library Student Panel.

What a week for Student Voice!

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What happened during Student Voice Week 2022.

Would you like to see underrepresented groups having more impact on decision making at the OU?

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Are you passionate about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion?

OU Responds to Student Views Shared in March 2022

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The OU responds to your views.

Student Voice Week is underway

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Student Voice Week has more to come.

The Floor is Yours

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Student Voice Week 2022.

Tribute to Cherry Day

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Sad passing of Students Associoation Vice President, Cherry Day.

Did you know we've updated the Student Charter?

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What is the Student Charter and how does it affect you on your learning journey?

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Plans

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Give your opinion on the new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion plan at the OU.

Postgraduate Views Required

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Are you studying postgraduate modules with the OU and completed 60 or more credits? Then read on to find out why we need to hear your views and how to give them.

Response to Student Consultation on Integrated Induction

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Students were consulted on integrated induction in October 2021. Find out what students said and how the OU has responded.

Stand in the OU Students Elections and Make a Difference

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Think you're suited to a role in the OU Students Elections? Have your voice heard and make a difference to the student experience.

Get involved with Student Consultation in March 2022

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Student Consultation online meetings being held throughout March are a great opportunity to make a difference to the experience of studying at the OU.

National Students Survey (NSS) - Have your say

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The NSS is an annual UK-wide survey for students usually nearing their final year of undergraduate study and the 2022 survey is OPEN.

Student Voice Week 2021 - what a week!

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This year the #OUStudentVoiceWeek ran between Saturday 13 and Sunday 21 November 2020. Sessions were developed by staff and students right across The Open University and OU Students Association, all keen to hear the thoughts and opinions of a wide range of OU students.

Student Representation needed - Curriculum Partnerships

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Find out more about how you can be part of a review group at The Open University.

Lively discussion at Student Voice Q&A

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The Open University and Open University Students Association were delighted to be joined by students for a highlight of Student Voice Week 2021 – Meet the Senior Team Q&A.

Student Reviewer Opportunity!

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Periodic Quality Review (PQR) is the big six-yearly quality assurance and enhancement review of each of the Open University's curriculum areas, our Open degrees, access courses, research degrees and courses delivered by our validated partners across the world. We are looking for currently registered OU students to sit on the panel for periodic quality reviews (PQRs).

Student Voice Week kicks off!

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Student Voice Week got off to a flying start on Saturday with a really informative opening session looking at what was coming up in the week ahead and inviting students to ask questions or share views about what they were looking forward to.

Meet the OU Senior Team - Q&A

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It's back and our top pick Student Voice Week 2021. Students will have the rare opportunity to hear from and chat with members of the Senior Team, including Vice-Chancellor, Professor Tim Blackman.

OU students share their 'Student Voice' top tips

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Students who have taken part in Student Voice activities in the past share their experiences of getting involved and the benefits they have gained.

The OU Library share their plans for Student Voice Week 2021

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Getting your voice heard about the services the Library provides is such an important part of being a student. And to help with this, they are holding two eventful discussions during student voice week which they'd love for you to take part in. .

Academic Services: How can they help you?

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Ever wondered what IAG is or who Academic Services are? Well here's a chance to find out more about them and their links with Student Voice.

Careers and Employability Services host a special session for Student Voice Week

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Could Career Action Plans from individual careers consultations be more useful? The Careers and Employability team warmly invite you to take part in a fun-filled Focus Group to explore Career Action Plans, their purpose and value for you, whether they meet your needs and how they may be improved.

Student Voice Week in the Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

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The Faculty of STEM have developed a range of activities, seminars, forums and conferences for you to join in throughout Student Voice Week. Click to find out more...

OU Scotland pull out all the stops for Student Voice Week 2021

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OU Scotland have big plans for Student Voice Week 2021. Find out what they have in store and how you can get involved...

Student Voice Week 2021 - What's happening in Wales?

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Here is a teaser for what is happening in Wales throughout Student Voice Week 2021.

It's coming....Student Voice Week 2021

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The Open University and OU Students Association are excited to announce the dates for Student Voice Week 2021. Plans are well underway and early signs show this year's timetable is set to be our biggest and best yet..

Open and Inclusive Student Voice

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How COVID- 19 Impacted Learning Experiences and the Development of Further Research: Meaningful Student Engagement in an Online Environment.

The Curriculum Design Student Panel turns 5 years old

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The Curriculum Design Student Panel is five years old this month and the team would like to say thank you to all students and staff that have engage with the panel and helped to make it such a success.

Employability and curriculum - what do you think?

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In late May 2020, a sample of students who had used FutureYOU over the previous year were invited to take part in a short online survey. Nearly 3,500 responses were received, capturing data on FutureYOU use as well as valuable insights into students’ understanding of employability and its development.

Your voice is making an impact

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Have you ever wondered what happens to your feedback? The Open University recognise the importance of closing the feedback loop and are commitment to ensuring all students feel their views are valued and that their voices are being heard.

National Student Survey 2021 - Have your say

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The NSS is an annual UK-wide survey for students usually nearing their final year of undergraduate study and the 2021 survey is still open... Dont forget to have your say.

Student Consultative Meetings - March 2021

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The Student Consultative Meetings 2021 are fast approaching but there is still time for you to get involved and help shape your OU study experience.Throughout March the University have organised a series of online meetings and are keen to hear from as many students are possible.

What a week!

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Student Voice Week 2020, our biggest yet, saw hundreds of students take part in a range of activities throughout the week. It was a great opportunity for students to learn more about the OU, get advice and guidance from staff and get to know their fellow students.

Student Voice Week 2020 Timetable (15-21 November)

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Student Voice Week is fast approaching and looks set to be our best yet.

Dont miss out on your opportunity to get involved, meet fellow students and get your voice heard.

The Open University has a new Student Charter

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Today marks the launch of the new Student Charter.

Developed in partnership with the OU Students Association, the Student Charter describes how our OU community works and what we can expect from one another. It is our shared commitment to its values that ensures it remains meaningful, celebrated and reflected in our everyday experiences.

So...what is Student Voice?

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Want to find out more about what Student Voice is and how you can get involved?

Student Hub Live are hosting the OU-wide (re)Freshers Orientation on 28 September 2020.

You will be able to hear from and ask questions to the staff and students that know it best and are committed to ensuring your voices are heard. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to engage with other students as you set out on your student journey.

Involving students in peer-mentoring

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In 2019 Law School academics were researching student wellbeing and as part of this carried out interviews and focus groups with law and business students. They told us that distance learning can sometimes be an isolating and lonely experience. As part of that research we were asked ‘why does the Law School not provide a peer mentoring scheme?’. We thought this was a great question which led to us implementing a pilot peer mentoring scheme.

OU Students Association Conference 2020!

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There is a brilliant programme of sessions lined up for OU Students Association Conference this weekend. With many interesting speakers including an exclusive Q & A; There will also be student consultations, lots of fun workshops and many opportunities to socialise.

OU Students Association representative opportunities!

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The Student Association is currently seeking student volunteers for our exciting volunteering opportunities to get your student's voice heard within the Open University as a Central Committee Representative and a member of the Senate Reference Group.

Opportunity to influence policy and decision-making

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The Office for Students, which is the regulator for Higher Education in England, is inviting students to apply to be members of their Student Panel. This is a great opportunity for Open University students, who can sometimes be forgotten when the focus is on students at ‘traditional’ universities.

Engaging students in peer-coaching

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Staff and students have been collaborating to drive a peer-supported approach to promoting and developing self-reflection and skills related to personal development planning (PDP). PDP is part of the guidance from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (HE), so that all university students have opportunities to reflect on their learning and achievement as well as to plan for their personal, educational and career development.

Access Participation and Success Strategy

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The Open University is committed to removing inequalities in access participation and success in Higher Education. Our Access, Participation and Success Strategy was launched in September 2019 following consultation in March 2019 which included input from students.

Student Consultative Meetings 2020

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The annual Student Consultative Meetings included topics on Tuition and Student Communications with over 260 students taking part. This includes a combination of face-to-face and online events. Read more here...

Student Voice enhances the quality of OU curriculum

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Every six years a Periodic Quality Review (PQR) of each curriculum area at The Open University is carried out. Here, a student shares their experience of being a full panel member and explains how Student Voice is incredibly important throughout the PQR process, informing every decision that gets made.

National Students Survey - have your say

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The NSS is an annual UK-wide survey for students usually nearing their final year of undergraduate study and the 2020 survey is now OPEN.

Listening to students on extentions

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At times we appreciate events can arise which mean you can struggle to submit your assignment on time. In April 2019 we looked at a variety of feedback that had been received from various groups in the University expressing concern about the policy and practice of the extension process

OU graduate to OU employee

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It’s not easy studying as a distance learner and maintaining an altogether different level of commitment. So, I am incredibly proud of my achievements at The Open University (OU).Since graduating, I’ve actually joined the OU as an intern, working as part of the Student Voice team in The Office of the PVC (Students). .

Student Voice Week 18-24 November 2019

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Due to popular demand, The Students Association, in partnership with The Open University is running #OUstudentVoice week again. Over the course of the week, there will be a host of activities for students to take part in such as, workshops and online forums.

National Students Survey 2019: How have we improved?

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The results of the annual National Student Survey (NSS) have been published with The Open University ranked first for Assessment and Feedback with a score of 85%.

Curriculum Design Student Panel wins award

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The curriculum design student panel has received national recognition for its innovative and sustained use of the student voice to inform the design of distance learning.

Jisc CAN Conference:OU Students take the lead

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The Jisc Change Agents’ Network (CAN) is a network of people in both the higher and further education sectors dedicated to promoting student-staff partnership. A key feature of the CAN annual conference is that all presentations and workshops are led or co-presented by students, and that students take an active role in the organisation and running of the events, including hosting the student panel session.

National Students Survey 2018: What you have told us

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NSS is an annual survey of students in their final year of study, at the OU this means students who have completed at least three years of study and achieved at least 120 credits. It is run by the Office for Students, who regulate higher education on behalf of students.

Message from Acting Vice-Chancellor: Review of change at the OU

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We have previously shared information with you about a programme called Students First Transformation. This programme was designed to help us make efficiencies to our operations and to invest in the student experience.

Message from Acting Vice-Chancellor: July update from The Open University about our curriculum review

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Last month, I wrote to you to let you know that the first set of proposed changes to our curriculum were approved at our governance committee meetings in May. Since then, the committees have met again and approved the majority of the remaining proposed changes.

Message from Acting Vice-Chancellor: Further update from The Open University about our curriculum review

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In May, I wrote to you to give you an update about our Curriculum Review process. As I explained in my last message, all universities regularly review their curriculum and we have undertaken a larger than usual university-wide review this year. The aim has been to introduce new options for students while removing areas of study that have proved to be less popular. Our governance committees have now met and some proposals have been approved, with a number of further changes to be considered at the end of June.

Message from Acting Vice-Chancellor: Update from The Open University about our curriculum review

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I wanted to update you on the Curriculum Review process we are undergoing; to clarify the next steps and to reassure you of our continuing commitment to supporting a wide array of subjects and minimising any impact on your study.