One of the ways we collect feedback is through surveys. These help us to find out about your study experiences, what you feel has worked well and where you think there could be improvements. Below are details of the surveys that happen around the University.
Please note this video is now a couple of years old so some people no longer have the same title. The current Students Association leadership can be seen on their website.

Internal Student Survey (ISS)
We are keen to understand how your studies are going, what parts of your learning experience are going well and what we could improve for you and for students in the future.
We'll check in with you with three short surveys during the module, and use the results through our quality monitoring and enhancement processes.

National Student Survey (NSS)
The NSS is an annual UK-wide survey for students in their final year of undergraduate study.
The NSS provides students with the opportunity to share honest feedback about their study experience. The Open University and The Open University Students Association actively use the results to improve what we do, and how we do it. The data is also shared publicly, allowing prospective students to make informed decisions when considering where and what to study.
The survey is anonymous – at no point are students identified to their institution. It runs between early January and the end of April each year.

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)
PTES is an annual national survey for taught postgraduate students and is run by the Higher Education Academy.
OU students become eligible to participate in this survey if they are working towards a Postgraduate Diploma or Masters Qualification and have already completed 60 credit points of postgraduate study.
The focus of this survey is teaching and learning, engagement with the course, assessment and feedback, organisation and management, resources and services and skills development.

Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)
PRES is national survey of PhD, Doctoral and Research Masters students and includes part and full time, distance and face to face, home and international students.
It gathers information regarding supervision, resources, the research community, progress and assessment, skills and professional development.

Graduate Outcomes (GO) Survey
A national survey of graduates 12-15 months after they have finished their studies, sent out quarterly.
It explores their employment or further study outcomes and how their OU study contributed to these.

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