Did you know we’ve updated the Student Charter ready for this academic year?
We update the Student Charter every academic year to make sure that it reflects the OU community and what values we want to commmit too. Every year, students and staff from the Open University and Open University Students Association, work together to develop a Student Charter at the OU which highlights what we all expect from one another. As a member of the OU community, the Student Charter acts as a pledge that we all sign up to. We make a set of commitments to each other, including a commitment from the OU to support you on your learning journey. The Student Charter sets out the values and principles that on which all our interactions and activities, as students and as staff, throughout our time with the OU, are based.
Every year we review the content based upon student and staff feedback. This year we are pleased to include in the Student Charter a commitment to freedom of speech and academic freedom.
Please familiarise yourself with the updated Student Charter on the OU website
You can also head to the Open University Students Association online magazine, the HOOT, to take a quiz
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