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Student Voice Newsletter January 2025

There's lots of exciting opportunities to get involved with:

• Student Consultation Meetings

• OU Students Association Welcome Week

• Scholarship and Student Voice

We are also pleased to update you on the upcoming Have Your Say Day Response and Residential Schools Naming Project

Student Consultation Meetings

In April, we will be hosting our annual Student Consultation Meetings. This year, we will be going face-to-face in Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Leeds, London and on campus in Milton Keynes. Alongside these face-to-face events, there will be online Meetings!

Student Consultation Meetings are a great opportunity to share your ideas and feedback on various OU projects, meet your fellow students, and make a difference to the student experience at the OU.

We will be sharing more information on how to apply to attend one of the Meetings next month, but for now, you can save the date. The Meetings will be taking place between 5-12 April.

We are currently working with staff and student representatives on which topics to run sessions on during the Meetings and we want to add your voice! We've made a short poll on the topics staff have proposed for the Meetings and we'd love it if you could let us know which ones you'd like to see as part of the Meetings. Your thoughts will be shared with the group of staff and student representatives who make the final decision. The deadline for answering the poll is 23:59pm on Wednesday 22 January.

Student Consultation Meetings Topics Poll

OU Students Association Welcome Week

New and returning students are invited to join the Students Association for Welcome Week, the perfect opportunity to meet fellow students and learn more about what the Association offer. Welcome Week runs from 25 January - 2 February and will include workshops, competitions, socials, and information sessions for all OU students. It's the perfect time to find out how to get involved with clubs, societies, and volunteer opportunities during your studies. To find out more, visit the Welcome Week site .

Scholarship and Student Voice

Liz Hardie, the Director of SCiLAB (FBL’s Scholarship Centre for innovation in online Legal and Business Education), has written a lovely article on how student voice has lead to changes in FBL:

In common with many universities, the OU provides a number of opportunities to ensure students can provide feedback and comments on the teaching they receive. The Student Voice website states that this feedback and engagement leads to positive impact and change. How does this happen? And what is the link to scholarship?

The OU Recognition of Excellence in Teaching (RET) Awards ceremony in November 2024 provided a good example of the impact of both the student voice and scholarship in the teaching and student support provided to students. Of the 6 recipients of a Recognition of Excellence in Teaching award, and 2 highly commended applications, a number referred to working with students in their teaching. The Law School team which produced a new law degree worked with student representatives in designing the qualification. Students attended the qualification and module learning design workshops, and student consultations took place during the production on a variety of relevant topics to gain the wider views of all law students. The Open Justice team partner with alumni who support current students working on a range of voluntary legal projects. The Law School Belonging Project started as a direct result of student feedback and is co-created with students, who lead peer mentoring programs and student led coffee events. These are all practical examples of how student feedback and engagement has led to positive impact and change, and these teams and projects have been recognised by the University as examples of good practice.

As well is engaging though a variety of feedback and consultation events, students are increasingly becoming involved in the scholarship carried out within faculties. In the Faculty of Law and Business, a student partnership process was introduced this year where students can be involved as co-researchers in scholarship projects. Student representatives will also join the Scholarship Centre’s advisory board. Taking into account the experience of students when designing and running scholarship projects improves the research, and the findings from these projects directly impact teaching across the University.

For example, the Teaching Award for the law degree production team highlighted the way in which the team embedded findings from scholarship within the design of the qualification and modules, the writing of the modules and the assessment and tutorial strategy. This has led to improved retention on all of the new modules making up the law degree, and a reduction (or elimination) of most of the awarding gaps. There are other examples across the University of how scholarship can be used to improve the teaching offered and the outcomes for students. It is therefore important that students are able to participate in, and engage, with scholarship so that we can continue to work together to improve students’ experiences at the OU.

Have Your Say Day

Thanks to every student who joined on Have Your Say Day in November 2024. All the staff had a great time chatting to you and hearding your thoughts.

We are currently putting together a response document on what we will do with your feedback that you kindly shared with us - so please look out for it hitting your inboxes over the next few weeks if you did attend Have Your Say Day. If you didn't attend but still want to read the response, don't worry, we will share it in the next newsletter!

Residential Schools Naming Project - Student Consultation Online Forum

We just wanted to inform you that the response from the Residential Schools Renaming Project Student Consultation Forum is taking slightly longer than we'd expected. This is due to some staff changes but we do expect to get you the response soon. We thank you for your patience!