So... what is Student Voice?
Find out more about what Student Voice is, how it makes a difference to your student experience and how you can get involved.
Log onto Student Hub Live:
The OU-wide (re)Freshers Orientation – 28 September 2020 and join our live session: Making sure your voice is heard.
You will be able to hear from and ask questions to the staff and students that know it best and are committed to ensuring your voices are heard. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to engage with other students as you set out on your student journey.
There is also an opportunity to learn more about how students played a key role in the development of The Open University’s new Student Charter A new Student Charter for the OU community.
The event runs from 10:00-16:00 and includes…
For full details of the programme and for more information about each session and the timings go to Student Hub Live.
Please register your interest for this event here.
Student Hub Live events offer students ways to comment on the session, provide new ideas and give feedback and invaluable insight in real time. This enables the team to develop and improve future events – just one more example of the difference hearing the student voice can make to your OU experience.
Twitter: #SHL20
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National Student Survey 2025
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