Student Voice Top Tips
Student Voice Week is a great opportunity to go beyond your studies and dip your toe into the OU community by attending one of the many events on offer. Students who have taken part in Student Voice activities in the past have shared their experiences of getting involved and the benefits they have gained. We’ve shared some of these here, alongside some top tips for getting involved, to whet your appetite for Student Voice Week.

Think about the benefits getting involved might bring to you
“It not only makes a difference to the experience of your fellow students, but it makes a big difference to yourself. I have gained both confidence and skills that I can now use in other aspects of life, whilst enjoying myself throughout!”.
Gareth, Law

Try something new
“My advice is to give it a go! For two years I was solely focused on my studies because I was nervous about studying and felt that doing anything else would be a distraction. In August, I started volunteering with the Students Association. I now appreciate the value and importance of connecting with others and exploring the vast range of events and opportunities on offer. These experiences continue to add interest and value to my OU journey.”
Hanna, Applied Linguistics

Take the opportunity to meet other students
“If you are considering getting involved with Student Voice week, my top tip for you is - do it! Joining in with one or more activities is a great way of being part of the student community and, of course, of making your voice heard.”
Kate, Law
Keep an eye out on event pages and guidance. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask! Getting involved is a great way to get to know new people and to learn new things.

There are some really simple things that you can do which make a difference
“If you are asked for your opinion please give it. Fill in the survey or join the focus group. Sign up to the consultation forum, fill in your end-of-module survey, join the consultation focus groups. You will not be the only student who is worried about being there or that it's their first time. When you get involved you will meet other students who may not be on your course but are studying in similar ways to you. It is good to join that community of students.”
Sarah, Education

Don't be afraid to share your views
“Don't be afraid to speak up! This is one of the biggest opportunities for you to have your voice heard and the sessions are designed and hosted by people who want to listen.”
Leanne, Criminology

Develop and share your problem-solving skills to improve the student experience
“Sometimes you want to be part of the solution rather than moaning about things that annoy you. Getting involved with the OU Students Association and volunteering to be a student representative on university academic committees can be personally rewarding as well as finding yourself part of a community of reps. and broadening your horizons. Beware, it can be addictive!”
Matt, Business Finance
Persist, but never insist…The benefit of this approach is that sooner or later someone will listen.

Get informed
“Take time to find out about what Student Voice is all about before you get too busy with your studies. That way you can make an informed decision about the level of your involvement.”
Julia, Business Management

Check out a Student Voice taster session during Student Voice Week
“No matter how little or much time you have, there are ways to have a big impact. Going to meetings with OU staff can be quite scary at first, but just remember that you are the expert of your own field – being a student at the OU!”
Fanni, Business Management
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