Student Voice Week 2021 Timetable
In order to attend a particular session please click on the associated link to register or to join on the day and time of the event. A small number of links to register/join and session details are still be included so you will need to check back nearer the time.
It's open! - Join the Student Voice Week Forum
Saturday 13 November
Saturday 10:00-11:00
Welcome to Student Voice Week 2021
The Open University Student Voice Team and the OU Students Association
Informal session to introduce what's going on in Student Voice Week and share your thoughts and expectations about the week ahead.
Saturday 15:00-16:00
Take a look at the Annual Membership Survey 2020 results
OU Students Association
OU Students Association Annual Membership Survey – A Closer Look: The Students Association is run by students, for students and our mission is to make a positive difference for ALL OU students. Join us for this focus group to take a closer look at the survey results from 2020, focusing on under-represented groups and culture.
Saturday 18:30-19:30
10 Times Bolder
OU Students Association
We want students to join us to talk about what they would do or change if they were '10 Times Bolder'. We will be discussing changes and ideas relating to OU study around 'Personal', 'Communal' and 'Environmental' factors. A chance to think outside the box and bring your blue sky thinking!
Sunday 14 November
Sunday 11:00-12:00 For Wellbeing, Education and Language studies students
Shape the way...
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
A student-led session that looks at top tips for working/studying and having other responsibilities. Come and join to share top tips and hear from others on how they have managed their time!
Sunday 19:00-20:00 For vocational students
Vocational courses – Listening to the Student Voice in Hard to Reach Areas
OU Students Association
Your Students Association and programme are aware how hard it is for students on vocational courses to know how to engage with us and for Open students to know what belongs where.We are keen to hear from you as to what would make it easier for your views to be heard and acted upon. Attend an informal exchange of views led by your ideas.
Monday 15 November
Monday 09:30-11:30
OUiS Twitter takeover - Fanni Zombor OU Students Association - VP Engagement
The Open University in Scotland and the OU Students Association
Monday 11:30-14:30
Postgraduate Research Student Voice: The awarding gap
Awarding gaps, that is students from different backgrounds achieving different academic outcomes, are a hot topic with Universities across the UK. In this webinar postgraduate research (PGR) students will talk about the work they are undertaking to explore why these gaps exist and what can be done about them. Each PGR student will talk about their particular area of interest followed by a Q&A. After all students have presented, we will have a roundtable discussion about awarding gaps, what it means for our students, our staff and the sector. We will cover ethnicity, disability, socio-economic status awarding gaps and intersectionality.
Monday 12:00-13:00 For disabled students
Getting the inside story
The Open University Library
The OU Library and the Digital Accessibility team regularly seek out input from disabled students to test technology and learn more about how you use different services and resources in your studies. Our work is focused on determining how we can make OU systems and services more accessible and better meet your needs and we can’t do that without you! We want to learn more from you about how we can better perform this research and improve our insight programme.
Registration is now closed
Monday 16:00-17:00
Using your extra-curricular activities to get started in the legal professions
Faculty of Business and Law
This session covers the best bits of advice from recent interviews with OU graduates now working as legal professionals to help current students plan their future careers.
Monday 17:00-18:00
Student Internships – Developing models to help student gain valuable experience whilst helping the University to tackle some of our most challenging problems
School of Life, Health and Chemical Sciences
Three student interns who worked in the School of Life Health and Chemical Sciences over the summer will share their experiences of contributing to development and improvement of aspects of student support and induction. They will describe what they have gained and lead a discussion with students and staff to explore ideas about how the intern model might work for future collaborations. Some potential areas that interns could help the University tackle might, for example, include how to build community; eliminating awarding gaps; supporting students for remote exams.
Monday 17:00-18:00
How to build a sense of belonging among student in the undergraduate
Faculty of Business and Law
We value all of our students and want to hear your voice in how we shape and build a supportive learning community among students, academics and staff in the undergraduate business qualifications. We are looking for your ideas and suggestions to increase our supportive and constructive interactions with you, enhancing the sense of community for every member of the undergraduate business programme.
With the participation of our expert in Leadership, Dr Alessandro Sancino, the Head of Student Support, Amy King, and the Teaching Director of the Undergraduate Business Programme, Dr Giacomo Carli, we look forward to hearing from all of you on Monday 15 November at 5pm, everyone is welcome.
During the online videoconference you will have the opportunity to interact directly with all the participants. After the live session, a forum will be open for the entire week to keep our discussions alive and collect further ideas.
Monday 18:00-19:00
OU Students Association 50th Celebrations with Association President Sarah Jones
OU Students Association
The Students Association is celebrating its 50th Birthday in 2022. How would you like to see us celebrate? What kind of events would you like to see on the agenda? We will be using Teams to explain what has gone before and breakout rooms for smaller discussion groups. We aim to capture the ideas that come up on a Padlet so that we don't miss any. We want our 50th to be a student-led event. So come and join the discussion and have your say on how we celebrate being 50.
Monday 18:00-19:00 For L3 Health, Wellbeing and Social Care students
What do you want to study next, after your Health and Social degree?
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
A discussion about what next for Level 3 Health, Wellbeing and Social Care students.
Monday 19:00-20:00
Mentors and Ambassadors for displaced learners and teachers at the OU
Faculty of Business and Law
Our bid to become a University of Sanctuary – how do we support, mentor and promote our work amongst students and staff? Come to our workshop to find out more about this movement and to share ideas and insights into how we can work effectively together.
Monday 19:30-20:30
OU Students Association communication consultation
OU Students Association
The Association shares events, activities and opportunities for OU students nearly every day – but do we do it in the right way? Join Vice President Engagement Fanni Zombor and Association Communications staff for a reflection on our current promotional efforts and to share your thoughts on how we could do better in the future.
Monday 20:15-21:15
Student Mental Health Agreement Launch
The Open University in Scotland
This session will provide information on the OU in Scotland's Student Mental Health Agreement, developed in partnership with the OU Students Association. We will provide an overview of the Student Mental Health Agreement (SMHA) and the commitments we have made to support students' mental health. We will then seek participants' input on how we can best work together to achieve our objectives.
Registration closes on Friday 12 November
Tuesday 16 November
Tuesday 10:00-11:00 For Psychology and Counselling students
Coffee morning
School of Psychology and Counselling
An informal opportunity to meet the Head of School and Director of Teaching from the School of Psychology & Counselling, and share your study experiences.
Tuesday 11:00-12:00 For Business and Law students
Accessibility Voices
Faculty of Business and Law
This interactive session will focus on the lived experiences of accessibility in FBL. A wide-ranging panel will discuss their experiences of studying and supporting students. The session explores what works, why, and how to build on this further. With plenty of opportunities for questions this interactive session is designed to provide opportunities for discussion and debate.
Tuesday 11:00-12:00 For students studying with the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
Diversity in Student Voice
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
We want to hear you! Please join us for an informal discussion about how the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies can improve the student experience for students from diverse backgrounds. Your opinion does matter to us, so please come along, even if it is only to listen or write in the chat box. All WELS students welcome!
Tuesday 12:00-13:00
Sharing good practice in working with students on committees
OU Students Association
The event will be a sharing of good practice followed by a Q & A and is aimed at any academic and professional services staff who are now or may in the future work or participate in committees/groups with students in attendance/involvement in any way, and students who currently sit on any committee or who think they might like to. And anyone who is interested in this vital aspect of OU work.
Tuesday 12:00-13:00
Why we became a Student Voice Ambassador or a Peer Coach: And how this might be an encouragement to you
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
In this session, led by Education, Childhood, youth and Sport Student Voice and Wellbeing Ambassador Natalie Nussey and Peer Personal Development Planning (PDP) Coach Charon Gates, Natalie and Charon will reflect on the benefits, challenges and blessings of their ambassador and coaching roles and offer some top tips to other students
Tuesday 13:30-14:30
Women and Non-Binary People in Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
The School of Mathematics & Statistics is committed to gender equality, and is currently working towards a Silver Athena Swan award. We would like to improve the embedding of Student Voice in our efforts, and would like to hear from female and non-binary students in particular, as mathematics is a discipline which has historically been dominated by male voices. We would like to hear student views on the support that we offer through module websites and the qualification site, and give students the opportunity to effect change in a way which improves the student experience not only for women and non-binary students, but for all students.
Tuesday 16:00-17:00
Access and Open – Interdisciplinary Study
The Open University Access, Open and Cross Curricular Innovation Team
Interdisciplinarity is at the heart of our introductory modules, whether that be Access or Level One. With a large proportion of students studying an Open Degree, how do you know which different elements to bring together to build a degree that is representative of your life, your employment, your interests and more. We need to hear from you!
Tuesday 17:00-18:00 For Access students
Open and Access - Listening to the Student Voice in hard to reach areas
OU Students Association
Your Students Association and programme are aware how hard it is for students on Access courses to know how to engage with us and for Open students to know what belongs where.We are keen to hear from you as to what would make it easier for your views to be heard and acted upon. Attend an informal exchange of views led by your ideas.
Tuesday 18:00-19:00
Green Entrepreneur Showcase
The Open University in Scotland
This event links to COP26 which is happening in Glasgow the week prior to Student Voice Week. The session will showcase OU students who have been motivated by their studies to develop green/sustainable initiatives. It will be an opportunity to hear directly from students about how their OU study has inspired them to drive forward actions that support the goals of COP26. There will be the opportunity for attendees to ask the students questions in a panel Q&A after the presentations. Panel members will include the students who have presented as well as Andy Lane (Professor of Environmental Systems) and Richard Blundel (Professor of Enterprise and Organisation).
Registration closes on Tuesday 16 November
Tuesday 18:30-20:00
Health and Wellbeing in Wales
The Open University in Wales
This session is about health and wellbeing and what it means to you. This is a real priority area for us in Wales this year, spurred on by the pandemic, so we want to make sure we are speaking to students to inform what we do. We want to have a supportive conversation with you to get a better idea of the main worries and stresses that impact upon your studies and what would be most useful for yourselves in terms of support.
Tuesday 19:00-19:45
Lets hear from the disabled student voice
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
Come and talk about your experience as a disabled student at the OU! We want to hear from you to ensure your voice is actively heard. We’ll tell you what we found out so far from other students, and we’d love to hear what you think and for you to share your ideas.
Tuesday 20:00-21:00 For students age 25 or under
If you're 25 and ignoring the inbox – we need your help
The Open University Marketing and Communications Team
Do you look at all the emails you get from the OU? If the answer is no, then you are not alone. Under 25s are far less likely to read our messages and we'd like to understand why. Come join us for a fun and frank conversation about what works best, what's important and how we can help students get the information they need.
Tuesday 20:00-21:00
Comparision of OU and brick university degrees
OU Students Association
Do you have concerns about the value of an Open University Degree? Maybe you have a particular career in mind and wonder how an employer would consider your degree against a more traditional “brick university” degree. In this session you will have the opportunity to hear from OU alumni and employers, ask questions and hopefully gain more confidence in your choice to study here.
Wednesday 17 November
Wednesday 11:00-12:00
In Conversation
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
We celebrate World Access to Higher Education Day (WAHED) on 17 November this year, through a conversation with learners and teachers with a background of forced migration.
Who are forced migrants? Forced migrants is a non-legal, umbrella term which includes people who have been forced to leave their home countries due to conflict, natural disaster, political turmoil or other causes. It includes refugees, asylum seekers, unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors, resettled communities, internally displaced people, those with humanitarian protection and victims of trafficking and other legal categories. It also includes CARA scholars, who hold regular Tier 5 visas and cannot apply for asylum but are forced to leave their home countries.
This year’s WAHED conference asks the question: ‘Who will be going to university in 2030?’. UNHCR data states that only 5% of the world’s refugees have access to higher education; their goal is to increase this to 15% by 2030.
As the leading Widening Access university, we at the OU need to reflect on what needs to happen for barriers to entry for forced migrants to be lowered and for all of us to make our University a place of welcome, safety and sanctuary.
Join in to find out more about their experiences in accessing higher education. This is an event for both students and staff. .
Wednesday 12:00-13:00 For Faculty of Business and Law students
Students and Scholarship: Improving Teaching and Learning and how students can help
Faculty of Business and Law
This session will talk about how our research in teaching and learning helps to develop our modules and what you as students can do to help. It will also describe how this can enhance your career profile whilst giving you a deeper understanding of how we work with students. The session will be interactive and informative.
Wednesday 13:00-14:00
Decolonising the Mathematics Curriculum through the History of Mathematics
Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Much of the mathematics taught at undergraduate level is named for, or attributed to, male European mathematicians of the 19th century. This helps to reinforce the mistaken notion that mathematics is a white male preserve. It is proposed to develop an online resource containing source material exemplifying the rich global diversity of the development of mathematics. Sample sources will be shown, for example from 9th century India, and students will be invited to make suggestions for both content and design of the resource.
Wednesday 16:30-17:30
How the Student Voice is heard in the Law School
Faculty of Business and Law
Our session will be an overview of the way in which the Student Voice is heard, considered and acted upon within the Law School. We will speak about the consultation forums, input by students into the development of new modules and the ways in which the OU Students Association liaises with the School to keep us informed of student concerns and feedback. Students will gain an understanding of how they can become active contributors within the Faculty and will, of course, be able to ask us questions.
Wednesday 18:00-19:15
Student Insights – Exploring Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
OU Students Association
At the Students Association we want all students to feel encouraged and supported as valued members of our community. Join us to connect with and hear from students like you. We’ll explore your experiences of OU study, how you have overcome fears and concerns, and your most valued support.
Wednesday 19:00-20:00
The OU Library: How can we help you?
The Open University Library
Did you know that the OU Library has a team of librarians available to help you? Have you used our enquiry service before? Tell us what worked well and what we need to improve. Join our informal discussion to tell us what you want from the library and help us shape the service so that it really meets your needs.
Wednesday 19:00-20:00
How to...make the most your studies – using Personal Development Planning (PDP)
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
This workshop will be structured to address the following questions: what is PDP and how can it be useful for you? How can PDP help increase your employability? How can students support one another with PDP? This will be an interactive session led by peer PDP coaches from the School of Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport which will invite you to reflect on your study journeys and needs.
Wednesday 19:00-20:30
Scholarship Conference 2021: Showcasing our research into teaching and learning at the OU
The Open University Scholarship Centres
In this student-focused conference we’ll introduce the OU’s Scholarship Plan and showcase examples of the educational research from the four faculties. We’ll discuss the impact of our scholarship, the challenges and priorities for scholarship, and the opportunities and support available for students to get involved either as participants or researchers.
Wednesday 20:00-21:00 For students based in Wales
Welsh Student Voice Special
OU Students Association
We'll be asking students in Wales to contribute to a discussion board leading up to the meeting where students will have the opportunity to discuss key points raised as well as finding out more about opportunities to have their voices heard and volunteering.
Wednesday 20:00-21:00
Students as consultants on inclusive curriculum
The Open University Office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Students)
Find out more about these exciting new roles as Inclusive Curriculum Student Consultants and help us prepare the Student Consultants for their important work reviewing curriculum for inclusivity and accessibility.
Thursday 18 November
Thursday 10:00-11:00 For Social Sciences and Global Studies (SSGS) students
Coffee morning
School of Social Sciences and Global Studies
An informal Q&A with Head of School, Director of Teaching, Director of Student Support over coffee
Thursday 10:00-11:00
Meet the Head of the Business School and Head of the Law Department
Faculty of Business and Law
During this session the new Head of the Business School and the Head of Department for Law will introduce themselves and the schools, and answer any questions you may have.
Thursday 11:00-12:00 For Arts and Humanities students
Arts & Humanities Head of School and Director of Teaching informal session
Faculty of Arts and Social Science: School of Arts and Humanities
Informal opportunity to meet the Head of School and Director of Teaching and to talk about what you've enjoyed studying so far and what you are looking forward to in the rest of your studies.
Thursday 11:00-12:00 For Welsh students
Let's hear from our Welsh speaking students
The Open University in Wales
We are very proud of the Welsh language and we want to do more to promote and support the use of it for our students. We want to speak to students who have chosen to receive emails and phone calls, submit assignments, and attend tutorials in Welsh, and how that has been for you. We also particularly want to speak to those Welsh speakers or learners who haven’t done any of this and to better understand why, and if we can help in any way and what more we can do to promote and celebrate the Welsh Language.
Thursday 12:30-13:30
What support do you want when you study with us?
The Open University Marketing and Communications Team
During the session we want to share what students have told us so far about their support needs. We would love to find out if you agree and if there is anything the OU could do better to support you through your studies.
Thursday 14:00-15:00
How the student voice influenced FBL's peer mentoring scheme
Faculty of Business and Law
This session will discuss the student peer mentoring schemes within the Law School and Business School and explore how the schemes enabled the schools to hear the student voice. Staff involved in the project and some of the student peer mentors will explain how the project helped to obtain feedback from our students about their studies and the involvement of the mentors in designing and running the project. Students and staff will be invited to contribute to a discussion about how the Faculty might develop the student peer mentoring project in future.
Thursday 15:00-15:30 For students in Ireland
Coffee Break with the Student Support Team in Ireland
The Open University in Ireland
This session will provide an overview of the support available to students studying in Ireland, with the opportunity to talk to members of the team.
Thursday 15:00-17:00
Bake Your Research
The Open University Graduate School
The Graduate School invites the Postgraduate Research Student Community to participate in its annual Bake Your Research competition. The competition asks students to bake something that represents their research field/topic or experience and write an abstract that links their creation (design/ingredients, etc) to their research. There will be an online gallery of the bakes and the opportunity for the whole OU community to vote on their favourite entry. Additionally, we’ll have an in-person event in the Hub Theatre where students can bring in their bakes to be considered for the Judges Choice prize. Judging this year’s event will be Professor Lindsay O’Dell (Graduate School Director) and Professor Marcia Wilson (Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion).
Gallery and voting links to follow
Please contact if you have any questions
Thursday 16:00-17:00
Language pedagogies and practices in refugee settings
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
How students might have a voice in developing our programmes? How can we work closely with language teachers to understand better their needs and perspectives? The session will illustrate a case of working with a group of English language teachers in refugee settings in Jordan and reflect on how this could inform programmes developed by the OU.
Thursday 16:30-17:30
Why should you participate in student research?
The Open University Student Research Project Panel
Join this panel discussion to hear about how the OU manages student research. We’ll explain the scope and scale of the research undertaken with OU students and alumni, and share some examples of how student research has informed the way we design, market and deliver distance learning at the OU.
Thursday 18:00-19:00
Learning activities and assessments which require you to work with other students – How to make these more accessible
The Open University Learning Design Team
Interested in collaborative activities? Participated in collaborative activities? This session provides an opportunity for you to discuss the use of collaborative activities and whether they enable all students to take part. The session feeds into a project seeking to ensure that collaborative activities are as accessible and inclusive as possible.
Thursday 19:00-20:00
Meet the Senior Team - Q&A
Meet the OU’s Vice-Chancellor, Tim Blackman and other members of the Vice-Chancellor’s Executive and ask your questions about the OU student experience.
Thursday 20:00-21:00 For students in Scotland
OU in Scotland – Big Blether
The Open University in Scotland
The Open University in Scotland and the OU Students Association invite OU students to join us for a blether via a video call. A good blether can help us through a tough time, give us the confidence to overcome a hurdle or just put a smile on our face at the end of a long day.
At the start of this drop-in event, we’ll hear wellbeing tips from OU Lecturer in Education Studies,Kate Lister.
Kate’s talk (20:00-20:15) will discuss how OU students can build develop a positive, valued identity as a distance learner. Kate will share tips for building confidence in study, increasing self-awareness as learners, and reflecting on challenges and achievements in order to develop a growth mindset.
You'll have the opportunity to put your questions to Kate, as well as general questions to OU in Scotland staff and OU Students Association representatives.
Book your place by the end of Tuesday 16 November, via the online registration form for The Big Blether.
Once registered, you will be provided with a link to the event which will be held via Microsoft Teams.
Thursday 20:00-21:00 For students studying with the OU in Wales
Student Voice in Wales – What's it all about?
The Open University in Wales
Want to know more about the student voice in Wales? This session will be discussing some of the activities we already do in Wales for student voice, how we work with the Students Association, and what we do in wider Wales to make sure the voices of our students are heard. We will also be sharing some of the ongoing and future opportunities for you to get involved and have your say.
Friday 19 November
Friday 09:00-11:00
OUiW Twitter takeover - Hanna Silk, OU Students Association - Wales Representative and Gareth Jones, Faculty Association Representative for Business and Law
The Open University in Wales and the OU Students Association
Friday 11:00-12:00
Wales does Student Voice Week – Coffee morning
The Open Univeristy in Wales
This is a relaxed informal opportunity for you to meet your fellow students in Wales and come together with a cuppa. It's the chance for you to get to know your student rep Hanna, what she's up to, and what she can do for you.
Friday 11:00-12:00
Good academic practice: how to avoid plagiarism and academic misconduct
Student Support - Academic Services
Throughout your studies you will receive lots of information about the process of assignment writing and the different skills that you will need to develop. In this webinar students will tell you about their tips on developing good academic writing practice. Topics covered include note taking, referencing and where to find support, what is plagiarism and how to avoid academic misconduct followed by a Q&A session.
Friday 12:30-13:30
OU Student Action for Refugees (OSTAR)
OU Students Association
In this session co-presented by OSTAR students Ruth Hennell, Allan Roy and OU tutor Suki Haider we will explain the important role of students in the Equality for Education campaign and to the OU's submission to become a University of Sanctuary. We will use an interactive game to draw attention to the barriers faced by forced migrant students in education.
We will explain the work of other STAR groups. For example, Bath and Warwick universities have online homework clubs for forced migrants and provide English language teaching led by students. We will ask OU student participants how they think volunteers could work at the OU. For example, to produce educational resources for OU staff and students to promote Equality for Education for publication on its website. Participants will be encouraged to identify OSTAR activities that they think are possible in the OU context, in order for us to identify where we need to focus our efforts in the next 12 months. Finally, having heard what we do, they will be asked to join our group.
Friday 13:30-14:30
Researching OU Student Voices:postgraduate students share their research into OU study
OU Students Association
Hear from Postgraduate Students about the research they are undertaking about OU students and OU study. A glimpse into the world of research at the OU and a chance to find out more about topics which are close to our hearts.
Friday 16:00-17:30 For Students from the Careers and Employability Student Panel
Career Action Plans – could the action plans produced from your individual careers consultations be more useful?
The Open University Careers and Employability Team
Every consultation with an OU Careers Consultant results in an Action Plan summarising next steps agreed towards your personal, study and career goals. Careers and Employability Services (CES) want these to be as useful as possible, whatever your ambitions and background. Members of the CES Student Panel will be invited to join our Focus Group exploring the value of Career Action Plans.
Friday 18:00-19:00
Student Involvement in Periodic Quality Review
The Open University Academic Quality and Standards Team
Students are at the centre of what we do. We involve and engage students in Periodic Quality Reviews (PQRs) which are the big six-yearly quality review of each of the OU’s curriculum areas, research degrees and courses delivered by our validated partners across the world. Would you like to sit on the review panel, contribute to a forum or meet the panel and make a real difference for other students? Join us to find out more!
Friday 19:00-20:00
Students Association Governance
OU Students Association
The Students Association is run by students, for students and our mission is to make a positive difference for ALL OU students. Join us for this focus group discussion to share your views on how we can improve the ways that we connect with, and represent, students.
Friday 20:00-21:00 For students studying with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)
FASS Connect chat with Q&A
OU Students Association
FASS students are invited to come along and meet Bev Smit,( Faculty Rep) and Leanne White England AER) to have a chat and ask any questions they have about the Faculty.
Saturday 20 November
Saturday 10:00-11:00
Individual Representation Service and the Complaints and Disciplinary Process
OU Students Association
Come along and find out about the Associations brand new Individual Representation service. We’ll let you know what the service is about and how we can support you.
Saturday 11:00-12:00 For Faculty of Business and Law students
Studying more than 60 credits at the same time
The Faculty of Business and Law
Have you studied more than 60 credits at the same time? Are you considering doing so? Join this session and you will hear about some recent scholarship on the Undergraduate Business Programme that suggests at level two and three studying 90–120 credits isn’t such a bad strategy. You will get the opportunity to share your experience and find out how other students manage it. We will also use your feedback to shape guidance for other students.
Saturday 19:00-21:00
OU Students Association Quiz Night
OU Students Association
Join other students you met with throughout Student Voice Week for a session filled with chatter and tricky questions. All you need is your brain and maybe a pen and paper...don't forget the drinks and snacks. We look forward to seeing you there
Sunday 21 November
Sunday 11:00-12:00
Student Voice Week Round-up
The Open University Student Voice Team and the OU Students Association
Share your experiences of Student Voice Week and let us know what worked, what didn't and what you'd like to see more (or less!) of in the future.
Sunday 14:00-15:00
Good academic practice: how to avoid plagiarism and academic misconduct
Student Support - Academic Services
Throughout your studies you will receive lots of information about the process of assignment writing and the different skills that you will need to develop. In this webinar students will tell you about their tips on developing good academic writing practice. Topics covered include note taking, referencing and where to find support, what is plagiarism and how to avoid academic misconduct followed by a Q&A session.
Sunday 18:00-19:00
Shaping the Student Community
OU Students Association
Being an OU student has its challenges and this session will give you a chance to help shape the student community of the future. How do we link students together better, face to face or on-line, by module, location or interest? Come along and have your say and if you’re busy at this time please contribute to our Jamboard.
Week long activities
Social media from across The Open University
Students share their stories - OU Wales
Quiz and other activities created by OU Library
Create your student experience in story form - For FASS students
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
As part of Student Voice Week FASS is launching its very own ‘Student Experience Gallery’. This will be an opportunity for students to send in to us (electronically) something creative that represents their experience of studying in FASS. We are asking students to send in anything they feel appropriate, for example ‘My 3 words’, poems, Art, text, visuals or anything that they feel best shows how they feel about their studies.
Student are being invited to submit items from Monday 1 November 2021 to Sunday 21 November 2021. The Student Experience Gallery will be open from Saturday 13 November 2021 to Sunday 21 November 2021 and you’re welcome to visit the gallery too.
Enter the Student Experience Gallery
Forum for Language and applied linguistics students
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
VLE Forum activity
The Open University - Learning Design
"CDSP In this session we aim to explain what the Curriculum Design Student Panel is, why we ask our members to participate in panel activities and forum discussions, and how student voice is used to inform and enhance learning and teaching at the OU. RTSF In this session we aim to explain what Real-time Student Feedback is, why we ask students questions whilst they’re studying a module and how is the information provided used to support students and improve learning and teaching on the module."
How to build a sense of belonging in the undergraduate business
Faculty of Business and Law
Details coming soon...
Your student experience so far - For any Health Science student
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
Calling all HSC students. Come along and let us know how you are finding your studies. What are the best bits so far? What are you looking forward to?
Your student experience so far - For any Health, Wellbeing an Social Care (HWSC) student
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
Calling all HSC students. Come along and let us know how you are finding your studies. What are the best bits so far? What are you looking forward to?
Latest Opportunities
Student Consultation Meetings 2025 - Get involved!
United Kingdom and online
National Student Survey 2025