Week long activities
Social media from across The Open University
Students share their stories - OU Wales
Quiz and other activities created by OU Library
Create your student experience in story form - For FASS students
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
As part of Student Voice Week FASS is launching its very own ‘Student Experience Gallery’. This will be an opportunity for students to send in to us (electronically) something creative that represents their experience of studying in FASS. We are asking students to send in anything they feel appropriate, for example ‘My 3 words’, poems, Art, text, visuals or anything that they feel best shows how they feel about their studies.
Student are being invited to submit items from Monday 1 November 2021 to Sunday 21 November 2021. The Student Experience Gallery will be open from Saturday 13 November 2021 to Sunday 21 November 2021 and you’re welcome to visit the gallery too.
Enter the Student Experience Gallery
Forum for Language and applied linguistics students
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
VLE Forum activity
The Open University - Learning Design
"CDSP In this session we aim to explain what the Curriculum Design Student Panel is, why we ask our members to participate in panel activities and forum discussions, and how student voice is used to inform and enhance learning and teaching at the OU. RTSF In this session we aim to explain what Real-time Student Feedback is, why we ask students questions whilst they’re studying a module and how is the information provided used to support students and improve learning and teaching on the module."
How to build a sense of belonging in the undergraduate business
Faculty of Business and Law
Details coming soon...
Your student experience so far - For any Health Science student
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
Calling all HSC students. Come along and let us know how you are finding your studies. What are the best bits so far? What are you looking forward to?
Your student experience so far - For any Health, Wellbeing an Social Care (HWSC) student
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
Calling all HSC students. Come along and let us know how you are finding your studies. What are the best bits so far? What are you looking forward to?
Latest Opportunities
Student Consultation Meetings 2025 - Get involved!
United Kingdom and online
National Student Survey 2025