This page provides an opportunity to see the valuable feedback received from students across a wide range of communication channels, and to see what the OU has done in response.
Please note this video is now a couple of years old so some people no longer have the same title. The current Students Association leadership can be seen on their website.
Choose a topic from the drop-down list below to see how students can have an impact on their university experience and be empowered to help shape the University. Next time you are asked to give your opinion, you know that the OU is taking this feedback seriously and will respond.
You said...
The existing IT Guides for the collaborative tools take far too long to work through, so many students simply give up and muddle their way through.
Life, Health and Chemical Sciences
We did...
Where simplified guides exist, we will ensure LHCS Modules Teams provide the resources on their websites and point to these resources well in advance of any scheduled collaborative activities.We will also request colleagues develop quick access guides and/or videos for using the current collaborative tools.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
VLE forum structures were less familiar to current OU students as they are 'old tech', compared with Facebook and WhatsApp. Students suggested the OU explores some alternative tools such as WhatsApp, Slack, Discord and Miro.
Life, Health and Chemcial Sciences
We did...
Please note that the University is currently developing a new policy in relation to the use of social media which will give students additional guidance on benefits and boundaries. We have fed back the comments raised in this consultation with colleagues working on VLE development.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
You want more opportunities for face-to-face study days.
Life, Health and Chemical Sciences
We did...
This is something that the LHCS Board of Studies had planned for later this year, but plans have unfortunately been put on hold due to the pandemic. The online summer school will be running again in Summer 2021. We will look to host an event in Summer 2022.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
Communications is very hit and miss and needs to improve. Students need to know what scholarship is, the projects that exist and how they can get involved.
eSTEeM - Scholarship
We did...
We created a Students as Partners Working Group to develop a framework for engaging students as active partners in scholarship. The framework includes a communication strategy and training provision. We have created a yearly student focused interactive newsletter and developed a 'Student Partner in Educational Research' digital badge to recognise active student involvement in scholarship.
eSTEeM - Scholarship
Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)Posted on:
You said...
You would like to access We-Learn from StudentHome.
We did...
We added guidance in the sidebar on the main student panel VLE page to enable you to create a personal link directly to We-Learn from StudentHome.
Curriculum Design Student PanelPosted on:
You said...
You'd like more feedback on what changes are made as a result of your feedback
We did...
We created this "You said... we did" to highlight some key changes that have been made and created a feedback area to enable us to share updates following activities.
Curriculum Design Student PanelPosted on:
You said...
The activity should be called a scenario rather than a game.
B294 Game simulation activity
We did...
We renamed the activity so that it is referred to as 'a scenario-based adventure'
Curriculum Design Student PanelPosted on:
You said...
The allocated time of 45 minutes was much too high
B294 Game simulation activtiy
We did...
We changed the estimated activity timing to 20 minutes
Curriculum Design Student PanelPosted on:
You said...
The context was not clear enough in the content.
BB851 Student workload activity
We did...
We revised and partly rewrote the discussion sections and highlighted the activity in the Tutor Guide so that ALs can provide additional guidance to their students where required.
Curriculum Design Student PanelPosted on:
You said...
You want to be informed when module materials are ready to view.
Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
We did...
We are exploring when and how module materials become available before the official module start date. For example, sample module material may be on the Health and Social Care website.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
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