You Said, We Did
How your voice has made a difference
This page provides an opportunity to see the valuable feedback received from students across a wide range of communication channels, and to see what the OU has done in response.
Please note this video is now a couple of years old so some people no longer have the same title. The current Students Association leadership can be seen on their website.
Choose a topic from the drop-down list below to see how students can have an impact on their university experience and be empowered to help shape the University. Next time you are asked to give your opinion, you know that the OU is taking this feedback seriously and will respond.
You said...
You wanted a student community for women in computing to deepen your sense of belonging.
We did...
We did some research through some student interns and ran a conference session and established a club to provide this community.
Computing and Communications
Posted on:
You said...
We would like to better understand what modules are about before signing up to them.
We did...
We have been adding “Are you ready for?” quizzes to more and more of our modules on the Module Chooser site, as well as creating content on the Subject Sites under the heading “Discover your module”.
Engineering and Innovation
Posted on:
You said...
Synchronous community of practice sessions are not always convenient and would be easier to accommodate if they were held at the weekend, allowing students from diverse time zones more flexibility to attend.
We did...
We changed the programme of community of practice events to feature Saturday tutorials with morning and afternoon options.
Institute of Educational Technology
Posted on:
You said...
Examples and case studies in our modules are not always relevant to educators working outside formal education.
We did...
We included additional case studies and examples in our modules and microcredentials to cover e-learning trainers in industry and commercial settings and in the voluntary sector.
Institute of Educational Technology
Posted on:
You said...
The guidance provided to students in module H890 Research and scholarship in digital education is likely to be insufficient for preparing students to present their research proposals and/or scholarship findings in the online student conference.
We did...
We extended the guidance to included advice on designing an accessible presentation, on delivering a presentation and on handling questions.
Institute of Educational Technology
Posted on:
You said...
We want to be able to get timely support if we are having difficulties with a TMA.
We did...
We introduced “TMA rapid response forums” on some modules which guarantee responses within a day from a tutor.
Mathematics and Statistics
Posted on:
You said...
We want a chance to interact with other students.
We did...
We introduced optional tutorial sessions focused on working together.
Mathematics and Statistics
Posted on:
You said...
We want opportunities to meet face to face.
We did...
We organised a face to face course choice event open to all students studying a maths module.
Mathematics and Statistics
Posted on:
You said...
You really enjoyed the opportunity to meet with other students on the masters qualification and hearing from research students which was inspiring.
We did...
Ensure the hybrid qualification day schools continue with additional opportunities to hear from and speak with research staff and students.
Posted on:
You said...
You would like opportunities to practice presenting research.
We did...
An annual online conference now takes place for final year students to present their independent research project to students and staff.
Posted on:

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