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You Said, We Did

How your voice has made a difference

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This page provides an opportunity to see the valuable feedback received from students across a wide range of communication channels, and to see what the OU has done in response.

Please note this video is now a couple of years old so some people no longer have the same title. The current Students Association leadership can be seen on their website.

Choose a topic from the drop-down list below to see how students can have an impact on their university experience and be empowered to help shape the University. Next time you are asked to give your opinion, you know that the OU is taking this feedback seriously and will respond.

You said...

There is a low level of satisfaction about manageability of the timetable and the advice and support available when making study choices.

We did...

We aim to improve these aspects of our provision by working with individual modules to make sure that student workload is managed throughout their studies, and we are also working with the Student Support Teams to ensure that students receive appropriate advice on the time commitment when they plan their studies. We are also developing a new Health Sciences qualification website to assist students with their module choices by providing more information in a single location.

Life, Health and Chemical Sciences

Posted on:

You said...

You are highly satisfied by the quality of our postgraduate courses (including for overall quality, study experience and tutor support).

We did...

We would like to thank all students who took part in the SEaM and PTES surveys. Our module teams undertake thorough module reviews and will continue to strive to support students in their attainment and to improve student satisfaction on our programmes. We are currently reviewing our curriculum, and looking for additional ways to enhance your learning experience, skills development and progression through our qualifications.

Life, Health and Chemical Sciences

Posted on:

You said...

That the reading material for your modules was extremely informative & helpful.

We did...

We note that that vast majority of you enjoy studying Law with us. We continue to be proactive to try and ensure that such a positive experience is not just maintained but is also enhanced.


Posted on:

You said...

You hoped for more guidance, assistance and support as you prepared for assignments and examinations.

We did...

In response to your comments we have provided additional support sessions on preparing for assignments and revision at levels 1 and 2. We will continue to be proactive and review the success of these sessions for implementation at level 3. We continue to review our assessment guidance and the number of assessments across all our modules. A reduction in the number of assessments


Posted on:

You said...

That tutor contact was of high quality. You also valued tutor’s support, especially around assessment points and you found online tutorials very good and informative.

We did...

We noted that the majority of you find tutorials useful to your studies and of good quality. We continue to be proactive to try and ensure that such a positive experience is not just maintained but is also enhanced.


Posted on:

You said...

You said that you would like more printed materials as well as hard copy textbooks.

We did...

We strive to provide you with best learning experience. We reviewed your comments in light of Faculty policy regarding printed materials and we will also take this feedback under consideration in planning of the new LLM programme.


Posted on:

You said...

Perceptions of value for money are influenced by many factors, including the availability of and access to tutorials and support from your Associate Lecturers; the availability of printed materials, and workload on modules.

We did...

We are working with a number of modules to improve your chances of success while studying the module, the result you achieve at the end of the module, and when preparing for your next module. Our overall aim and intention being to improve your study experience.

Computing and Communications

Posted on:

You said...

The student consultation forum highlighted the Undergraduate mathematics and statistics website as the most useful place to find information.

We did...

Using your feedback to make it even more useful. The new Mathematics and Statistics Support Team will be reviewing its communication framework and look to incorporate the suggestion that emails are sent at appropriate times of the year signposting students to the relevant parts of the UG M&S website. The School of Mathematics and Statistics and the SST will work together to provide this information, with the possibility of moving this to the replacement for the Qualifications online site if this provides a suitable platform.

Mathematics and Statistics

Posted on:

You said...

That changes in the curriculum as we renew our modules cause concerns.

We did...

We are working to ensure that clear and timely information is available on our qualification forum to assist students with their module choices. This year we have provided OU Live sessions to students considering registering for S209/SXF206/S206 to help inform students about these modules and will continue to expand on these types of event. We have written to students who are likely to be affected by module changes at Stage 3 in environmental science to give information about upcoming module renewal.

Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences

Posted on:

You said...

You would like to see changes in the some of the modules.

We did...

Several of our modules, including our newest stage 2 modules, have made modifications in response to student and tutor feedback. Modifications at Stage 2 include making all topics available at module start, offering print-on-demand and including additional study time to prepare for TMAs. We have also added the option for S206 students to attend field schools.

Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences

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