This page provides an opportunity to see the valuable feedback received from students across a wide range of communication channels, and to see what the OU has done in response.
Please note this video is now a couple of years old so some people no longer have the same title. The current Students Association leadership can be seen on their website.
Choose a topic from the drop-down list below to see how students can have an impact on their university experience and be empowered to help shape the University. Next time you are asked to give your opinion, you know that the OU is taking this feedback seriously and will respond.
You said...
An offer of a resit can be perceived as a fail
We did...
The Director of Teaching will liaise with the Student Support Team concerning how students are made aware of resit support. There are now a range of support structures (forums and the option of a 1-2-1 session)
Social Sciences and Global StudiesPosted on:
You said...
You found significant differences in approach and format between feedback on different modules
We did...
Module teams work with the ACQ (Assessment, Credit and Qualifications) team to develop their EMA feedback forms, so hopefully in most cases, these relate and are designed to offer students feedback on the learning outcomes for their specific modules.
Social Sciences and Global StudiesPosted on:
You said...
It would be good to have a list of suggested activities for each qualification that students could dip into if they wanted over the summer, including reading lists, OpenLearn resources, guest lectures, relevant skills activities
We did...
The Director of Teaching has worked with Qualification Teams to develop Study Home resources and qualification activities in the summer. These sites are constantly reviewed with a view of ongoing improvement
Social Sciences and Global StudiesPosted on:
You said...
That earlier access to module websites would help with familiarisation with the module and guide activity over the summer
We did...
Even where early access to module websites is not possible, your discipline pages on Study Home are available year-round, and contains links to informal learning resources, subject- and module-relevant content and opportunities for forum interaction with peers and academic staff related to your area of study. The range of module specific content may vary by discipline, but the resources are continually being developed.
Social Sciences and Global StudiesPosted on:
You said...
That the ‘Read me first’ guides were helpful at level 1 and could be useful at level 2 and 3
We did...
These are being implemented across all levels for 22J
Social Sciences and Global StudiesPosted on:
You said...
That support as you move from one level to another was useful and important.
We did...
We have published supportive guidance about stepping up to the next level on Study Home pages. We have also added introductions to next modules in qualification study wherever possible. We are continually adding to these when we can. Our library colleagues offer annual introductory events to support your use of their resources and facilities at each level. These are publicised in a number of ways, including on Study Home.
Social Sciences and Global StudiesPosted on:
You said...
You would like to see assessment submission dates staggered.
We did...
The DoT is working with qualification leads and module chairs to ensure that popular combinations have staggered assessment dates as they go through mid-life review, and that new modules check likely combinations to ensure there are limited clashes of assessment cut offs.
Social Sciences and Global StudiesPosted on:
You said...
You would like to have assessment cut-off dates earlier, and wider availability of dual study planners.
We did...
We have made a start on increasing the numbers of dual study planners, prioritising level 1 and then high population modules
Social Sciences and Global StudiesPosted on:
You said...
You would like modules to offer ‘time management’ sessions at the start of each presentation, offering tips and practical advice for dual study, but to also make clear the path of the module and when peak periods within it are.
We did...
The school is preparing moving on sessions for each discipline at level 2, which will highlight for level 1 students the links between the modules they have done and the level 2 modules in that discipline they are doing – these sessions will include time management
Social Sciences and Global StudiesPosted on:
You said...
You would like to see the development of a dynamic time management tool
We did...
This is outside the remit of the school but we have passed on this request
Social Sciences and Global StudiesPosted on:
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