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You Said, We Did

How your voice has made a difference

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This page provides an opportunity to see the valuable feedback received from students across a wide range of communication channels, and to see what the OU has done in response.

Please note this video is now a couple of years old so some people no longer have the same title. The current Students Association leadership can be seen on their website.

Choose a topic from the drop-down list below to see how students can have an impact on their university experience and be empowered to help shape the University. Next time you are asked to give your opinion, you know that the OU is taking this feedback seriously and will respond.

You said...

There are some broken links and missing videos in the online materials.

We did...

From October 2018 we will be ensuring that important videos and content will be embedded into the module website rather than linked to.  This will greatly reduce the instances of broken links.


Posted on:

You said...

Some students were disappointed that only the final piece of assessment counts towards the module result.

We did...

A new assessment strategy means that, from October 2018, every piece of assessment will count towards the final mark.


Posted on:

You said...

You would like more information about where to go for help and advice during your studies.

We did...

We have introduced a new subject-level website in our Sport and Fitness area. This draws together relevant information, advice and guidance for students into one place. We are rolling out subject-level websites for all areas throughout 2017-18.

Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport

Posted on:

You said...

You don’t always feel part of the OU community.

We did...

We have introduced a new induction programme for students. The programme offers students a variety of information, advice, guidance and reassurance around studying at the OU. Our new induction programme and new subject websites provide a fantastic opportunity for us to help you feel more part of an OU community.

Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport

Posted on:

You said...

You’re not always aware of OU resources available to you.

We did...

Our new subject websites and new induction programme provide information and guidance on resources available to students. As we develop these, we will explore ways to better signpost helpful and relevant resources.

Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport

Posted on:

You said...

Each year students provide us with invaluable feedback on their experience with the OU through the National Student Survey.

We did...

The feedback provided through the National Student Survey has played a vital part in informing the improvements reported in the ‘You said, we did’ entries on this site.

National Student Survey

Posted on:

You said...

You need far more ‘real life' business examples especially where students are self-employed.

We did...

This issue is being raised with module teams to look at current use of case studies. We will further encourage best practice by tutors in drawing out ‘real life’ experience in tutor groups. This will also be taken forward when planning future curriculum content.

Business Postgraduate

Posted on:

You said...

You were concerned about the preparatory phase and design of the final module of Making a difference: the management initiative (B839).

We did...

On closer investigation many of these concerns were raised by students on the MBA (Technology Management) (F69). The nature of their final management projects can be more technical and fit less well with the standard design and structure of Making a difference: the management initiative (B839). We will work with STEM Staff Tutor colleagues to consider what improvements might be helpful.

Business Postgraduate

Posted on:

You said...

The policy of limiting access to the module website to three years after study of the module should be reviewed.

We did...

It is OU policy to prioritise resources to managing current sites rather than historic ones. We do provide access on an ad hoc basis in response to requests and will make this clearer to students and tutors.

Business Postgraduate

Posted on:

You said...

Tutor Group Forums sometimes have low levels of activity, lack of engagement, and slowness of interactions.

We did...

Tutor Group Forum activity is routinely monitored as part of peer review processes. Levels of activity do vary in part with the dispositions of different tutor groups. We are continuing to look at ways of encouraging greater activity within Tutor Group Forums and this will be considered within ongoing learning design.

Business Postgraduate

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