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You Said, We Did

How your voice has made a difference

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This page provides an opportunity to see the valuable feedback received from students across a wide range of communication channels, and to see what the OU has done in response.

Please note this video is now a couple of years old so some people no longer have the same title. The current Students Association leadership can be seen on their website.

Choose a topic from the drop-down list below to see how students can have an impact on their university experience and be empowered to help shape the University. Next time you are asked to give your opinion, you know that the OU is taking this feedback seriously and will respond.

You said...

When using Library Search, you said you expected to go to the Library Search homepage rather than the Library website when you clicked the 'Library Home' button.

We did...

We changed 'Library Home' to 'Library Website' so you knew exactly where the button would take you. The 'New Search' button takes you to the Library Search homepage.


Posted on:

You said...

Online cluster day schools don’t support meaningful interaction in the way that face-to-face do; they lack the variety that face-to-face sessions did

We did...

The Director of Teaching has spoken to the Assoc Dean (Teaching and Students) to emphasise the student interest in continuation of face-to-face provision and the need for a diversity of online tuition.

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

Some final TMAs are very near the EMA deadline, reducing the time you have for the latter

We did...

At the module production stage module teams will be advised to ensure that there is an appropriate gap between the final TMA and EMA This will be reviewed at the various approval stages.

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

Some final TMAs are very near the EMA deadline, reducing the time you have for the latter

We did...

At the module production stage module teams will be advised to ensure that there is an appropriate gap between the final TMA and EMA This will be reviewed at the various approval stages.

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

You were unsure about the different options available if you were unable to finish a module

We did...

The DoT will liaise with the Assoc Dean (Teaching and Students) and Student Support Team (SST) concerning the visibility of the Student Home pages on ‘changing your study plans’.

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

An offer of a resit can be perceived as a fail

We did...

The Director of Teaching will liaise with the Student Support Team concerning how students are made aware of resit support. There are now a range of support structures (forums and the option of a 1-2-1 session)

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

You found significant differences in approach and format between feedback on different modules

We did...

Module teams work with the ACQ (Assessment, Credit and Qualifications) team to develop their EMA feedback forms, so hopefully in most cases, these relate and are designed to offer students feedback on the learning outcomes for their specific modules.

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

It would be good to have a list of suggested activities for each qualification that students could dip into if they wanted over the summer, including reading lists, OpenLearn resources, guest lectures, relevant skills activities

We did...

The Director of Teaching has worked with Qualification Teams to develop Study Home resources and qualification activities in the summer. These sites are constantly reviewed with a view of ongoing improvement

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

That earlier access to module websites would help with familiarisation with the module and guide activity over the summer

We did...

Even where early access to module websites is not possible, your discipline pages on Study Home are available year-round, and contains links to informal learning resources, subject- and module-relevant content and opportunities for forum interaction with peers and academic staff related to your area of study. The range of module specific content may vary by discipline, but the resources are continually being developed.

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

That the ‘Read me first’ guides were helpful at level 1 and could be useful at level 2 and 3

We did...

These are being implemented across all levels for 22J

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on: