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You Said, We Did

How your voice has made a difference

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This page provides an opportunity to see the valuable feedback received from students across a wide range of communication channels, and to see what the OU has done in response.

Please note this video is now a couple of years old so some people no longer have the same title. The current Students Association leadership can be seen on their website.

Choose a topic from the drop-down list below to see how students can have an impact on their university experience and be empowered to help shape the University. Next time you are asked to give your opinion, you know that the OU is taking this feedback seriously and will respond.

You said...

You'd like more information about studying a PhD

We did...

A recent paper published in The Hoot providing useful advice and links to further information


Posted on:

You said...

You would like help thinking about your independent research project and method choice over the summer before starting DE300

We did...

Provided a moderated forum on the subject site with methods specialists to help answer initial queries around project ideas and host ‘journal clubs’ for articles of interest according to method specialism which is available as ‘read only’ during presentation.


Posted on:

You said...

You would like more information about the different types of assessment tasks on psychology modules

We did...

Provided a session on Student Hub Live for Psychology and Counselling’s ‘(re)Freshers’ event focused around assessment which continues to be available on the Subject Site at the following link:


Posted on:

You said...

Access to tutorials was an issue for some students due to shift work and other commitments

We did...

The new Faculty policy on recording of tutorials and day schools will be implemented for the October 2020 presentation and this means that there will be a recording of each learning event in your cluster for students to use. For most modules at level 1 and some at level 2 there are repeats of tutorials and day schools have alternatives on different days to support student attendance and give students options.

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

Students felt that having a tutorial/tutorials with their own group tutor would be beneficial at the start of the module and at other points to build a group dynamic and a core student-tutor relationship.

We did...

The Faculty has been reviewing its teaching strategy during the 19/20 academic year and from October 2020 onwards, all modules will have an online tutor group tutorial and opportunities for tutor group sessions at face-to-face day schools (this is subject to COVID19 regulations).

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

Proactive contact and prompt and personalised responses from tutors was highly valued

We did...

Module teams will be asked to ensure that their tutors are aware of the need to make proactive contact with their group through the presentation period.

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

Students indicated that activity over the Summer period and in the run up to module start would be welcome.

We did...

The subject based sites are now open through the year. They contain a wide variety of resources, including subject and qualification forums that are staffed through the Summer by academics, and the careers team have advisors on each of the forums. All module websites in SSGS open at least three weeks before module start.

Social Sciences and Global Studies

Posted on:

You said...

I would like more case studies or real companies and would like some of the older case studies to be updated and consideration given to the UK leaving the EU.

We did...

Our modules are continuously updated to include discussions on new materials. For instance, the debate on Brexit is considered in B302 – Strategic management. We also have the ambition of teaching theories and frameworks that apply to ever changing world conditions and our tutors are engaged in supporting you in making sense of their application.

Business Undergraduate

Posted on:

You said...

Having extensions available is a big help.

We did...

This is right and the ability to seek an extension should be taken whenever this will help with your studies. In this difficult time, we have given more flexibility to tutors to agree on extensions and this has enabled students to succeed.

Business Undergraduate

Posted on:

You said...

It would be useful to be able to bookmark a section within a learning guide whilst studying.

We did...

We have added the ability to bookmark pages of learning content within your module and Study websites using the ‘Saved for later’ feature. You’re able to manage and name/rename your saved links from across the website enabling easy and quick access to any content you wish to refer back to.

OU Wide

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