This page provides an opportunity to see the valuable feedback received from students across a wide range of communication channels, and to see what the OU has done in response.
Please note this video is now a couple of years old so some people no longer have the same title. The current Students Association leadership can be seen on their website.
Choose a topic from the drop-down list below to see how students can have an impact on their university experience and be empowered to help shape the University. Next time you are asked to give your opinion, you know that the OU is taking this feedback seriously and will respond.
You said...
Student retention and completion - Law Undergraduate. The impact on student motivation of poor marks or failing a TMA was noted as a key reason for wanting to give up. Students wanted to feel more supported by their tutor when poor marks were given.
We did...
On earlier modules there are set times for tutors to ensure that they contact all students in their group. As we move through study, however, students are encouraged to become more independent and proactive in their learning. Many tutors may, therefore, expect students wishing to receive additional feedback to contact them by phone, email or on the TGF. We will, therefore, encourage tutors to proactively contact students who have received a low mark, and/or refer the student to SST.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
Student retention and completion - Law Undergraduate There is a lack of detail in feedback being a problem and it is hard to understand what was wrong or how to improve.
We did...
Students can contact their tutor for additional feedback, or to set up a call to discuss the feedback supplied with their tutor. If a student does not feel able to approach the tutor, they can contact the SST. We will remind the Associate Lecturers of the need to ensure that their comments make it clear to students how they can improve.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
Student retention and completion - Law Undergraduate Adobe Connect is not always great and tutors could benefit from further training in its use.
We did...
We are developing additional training for tutors and considering a Champion tutor on each module to advise other tutors on the use of Adobe Connect.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
Student retention and completion - Business Undergraduate.
Would like more options to start more modules given the current climate.
We did...
The university is looking at this at the moment and within the Faculty of Business and Law we will identify opportunities for multiple module start dates where appropriate.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
Student retention and completion - Business Undergraduate. Build a data bank of case studies from consenting students of their challenge experiences and how they got over hurdles would be helpful.
We did...
This is an interesting point so thank you. We will need to consider how this could be achieved. We are currently making some videos for students by students and we will share these once they are ready.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
I would like more in depth feedback detailing exactly what I have done incorrectly and guidance so that I can make the correct changes for future TMAs I am always making the same mistakes as I am never told what it is I am doing wrong.
We did...
To support the framework, the Senior Manager (Teaching and Students) will be making Module Teams aware of these student comments ahead of the 2020 presentations. Teams will be asked to remind their tutors of expected standards in tutor briefings and guidance notes.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
Social Sciences and Global Studies - 'Keeping going' Students indicated that juggling studies with home/work/caring responsibilities was difficult
We did...
We will ensure that module teams are aware of the SST contact details and links to StudentHome guidance on coping with your studies and that they publicise these and build them into their module support frameworks. Module team will be consulted on whether doing a weekly guide with advice on what is necessary/required and what maybe passed over if short of time would be useful; some modules already provide this. We will check with our technical support areas to see if the printable version of the module study planner might be more visible on module websites as well to support student progress.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
The lack of contact with other students was cited as a demotivating factor by some students
We did...
Director of Teaching (DoT)/Senior Manager (Teaching) will continue to work with Director of Research, SSGS on school teaching events, disciplines to support discipline days, the development of student societies and continue to consider further opportunities for support using the subject sites via the qualification leads.
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
Social Sciences and Global Studies - 'Keeping going' Students felt that having a tutorial/tutorials with their own group tutor would be beneficial at the start of the module and at other points to build a group dynamic and a core student-tutor relationship.
We did...
Being implemented for 20J presentations already
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
You said...
Masters students would welcome face-to-face day schools
We did...
From 2021 onward, Masters modules will have face-to-face events (postponed from October 2020 to January 2021 due to the COVID crisis)
Student ConsultationsPosted on:
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